Legacy's signature course! This is an inspirational, motivational, experiential, residential workshop in which women learn and practice new wisdom and insights about diversity, inclusion, empowerment and leadership. Participants emerge committed to ensuring their own and others' success. It moves individuals and organizations to a new level, while building on their past progress and investments, by engaging participants with their heads and their hearts. Any organization seeking breakthrough in women's progress, women's leadership, and women's impact on their organizational and business results will find this course extremely powerful.
This workshop has been proven to be effective worldwide and capable of sustaining its impact and results.
"In the end, winning will come from taking full advantage of our diversity"
A.G. Lafley
Chairman & CEO
Procter & Gamble
"This course has changed my life! It changed the way I think!"
Executive Director
Consumer Products and Retail
Global 100
"If the objective of this workshop was to free me up for greater personal satisfaction, to empower me to soar for greater success, to stretch me to pursue my full potential in my professional and personal like – then the objectives were not only met, they were exceeded. This workshop is a revelation, a discovery of potential and possibility."
General Manager
Fortune 100
"Going through the WSW Workshop was a life defining moment which transformed me to be both an effective professional leader and a fulfilled person.."
HR Manager
Greater China
(Re-) Discovering Passions and Talents
Participants get in touch with their passions and talents and assess whether or not they bring these to their work. They develop insights, consequences, and action steps.
Vision/Dream Development
Participants collectively develop a vision for themselves, the organization and the world with regard to diversity and inclusion.
Personal Congruency
Are participants' values and their behavior aligned? We discuss the long-term consequences of being incongruent, including mental and physical health, lack of overall power and business loss.
Power of the Mind
Participants are exposed to the possibility of tapping into the power of our amazing and underutilized minds.
Personal Mission and Vision
Participants determine what their purpose and mission are in life, what their legacy will be, what they want to stand for, what they want to be proud of, and how they will have personal fulfillment all through life.
Life Review
In small groups, participants discover the experiences and choices that made them who they are today. They then can make conscious choices on how / where to move forward.
Socialization – Prejudices – Discrimination Challenges
Participants learn that they were socialized to believe certain things to be true. They have a chance to examine those beliefs and rewrite them for the rest of their lives. Prejudices, group stereotypes and discrimination are addressed and re-scripted to achieve individual and collective breakthrough on diversity.
Concepts of Re-Defining Beauty, Self-Love and Wellness
Due to socialization to "be there for others", individuals are typically reluctant to treat themselves "like their best friend". Also, due to socialization, beauty is defined very narrowly causing many to discount themselves and others, creating societal issues. Narrow definitions are challenged and redefined, resulting in a strengthened positive self-image, wellness and prosperity.